Ice Breakers

The Interview

Break the group into two person teams (have them pick a partner that they know the least about). Have them interview each other for about five to ten minutes (You can also prepare questions ahead of time or provide general guidelines for the interview). They need to learn about what each other likes about their job, past jobs, family life, hobbies, favorite sport, etc. After the interviews, reassemble the group and have them introduce their partner to the group.   Introductions could be as simple as, "This is Judy and she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia seven years ago, although she believes she's had it for twenty years.  Judy went to five different doctors before she had a diagnosis.   She is no longer able to work outside of the home.  She is married and has two grown children.  She loves to travel and visit the ocean."

At later meetings, you may want to try other icebreakers:

The Magic Wand

You have just found a magic wand that allows you to change three things.  You can change anything you want.  What would you change?  Have them discuss why it is important to make the change.  This activity helps them to learn about others' desires and frustrations.


You are marooned on a island. What five (you can use a different number, such as seven, depending upon the size of each team) items would you have brought with you if you knew there was a chance that you might be stranded.  Note that they are only allowed five items per person (or you can do as a team).  You can have them write their items on a flip chart and discuss and defend their choices with the whole group.